Being ready for the road ahead means having access to OnStar everywhere you and your family go
With OnStar,
That’s because Members have access to many OnStar products whether they’re inside or outside their vehicles. In the vehicle, of course, you can simply push the blue OnStar button or red Emergency button.
Here are a few of those services Members have available, no matter where their busy days take them.

Remote unlock
With everyone’s busy schedules, it shouldn’t come as any surprise to learn that, globally, every month more than 40,000 drivers lock their keys inside their vehicles and call OnStar for assistance. By either using the vehicle mobile app or calling 1.888.4ONSTAR, Members can have their doors remotely unlocked
Remote Door Unlock helps mom of two
After an enjoyable time zip-lining with her sons, Samantha lost her car keys. The day almost took a very inconvenient turn before an OnStar Advisor came to the rescue.
Stolen Vehicle Assistance
If your vehicle is ever stolen, you can take advantage of Stolen Vehicle Assistance

Vehicle mobile app
Keeping tabs on your vehicle is easy and convenient when you download the vehicle mobile app. With just a glance at the Vehicle Status page within the app, you can know when your vehicle needs service, air in its tires
Real-time and regular maintenance alerts
Healthy vehicles make for safe, happy drivers. Vehicle Diagnostics can deliver a variety of vehicle health updates while you’re out on the road. Proactive Alerts
Guardian app
Help keep your family safer in any vehicle — now including motorcycles — anywhere they go with the OnStar Guardian app. Let your loved ones (you can share the app with up to seven people
Advisor is the voice of calm after a crash
Just two weeks after downloading the OnStar Guardian app, a college student found out how important it can be to have after a crash.

Roadside Assistance
Every driver is likely to need help on the road at some point, from a tow to fixing a flat tire to getting a battery charge. With Roadside Assistance,

So, the next time you’re on a road trip, jogging in the park or just picking up items at the store, you never have to be alone with OnStar.